Tag Archives: fruit

Summertime Happiness

Being outside. Throwing your arms up in the air. Simply because you can.

Sunbathing. A book to that?

Dancing in the warm rain. And finally being barefooted again.

Counting the stars, whilst thriving in the coolness of the night.

Celebrating simplicity. Complicated can come back later.

Even more sun! And noshing tarte flambee.

Tarte Flambee Goat Cheese

Tarte Flambee with Goat Cheese, Pear, and Mushrooms

Ingredients for 2 portions

For the dough:

  • 185 g wheat flour
  • 90 ml soda water
  • 2 tbsp peanut oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt

For the topping:

  • 150 g soft goat cheese
  • 2-3 tbsp sour cream
  • 1/2 pear
  • 2-3 champignons or other mushrooms
  • some fresh thyme

Knead the ingredients for the dough until it is smooth and soft. Cover the bowl and let it rest for 1-2 hours if you’ve got the time (the resting isn’t really necessary but it will be better with it in the end).

Preheat the oven to 250°C.

Cut the pear into small dices. Cut the mushrooms and the cheese into slices. Divide the dough into two halves and roll out each of them very thinly, until you almost can see through. Put each of them onto a baking tray with baking paper. Spread half of the sour cream thinly onto each tarte and scatter half the remaining ingredients onto each tarte as well. Bake for 5-10 minutes until the dough is crispy. Serve hot.

The Power of Yellow

Orange Mango Kurkuma Smoothie

My Grandmother always used to call me her little witch. I must have been an amiable child. Always full of crazy ideas. Always full of silliness. And mostly laughing. Since then nothing much has changed. Once a joker, always a joker. And after all the awkward puberty was gone… some day I actually could embrace my kind of crazy side.

But every once in a while you need a small push into the right direction to let the slightly crazy trait of yours come out to play again. The wintery world outside is grey and bare-branched after all. Cold. And a little bit uncomfortable. It weighs on the spirit and sometimes even on the circulation.

So we need colours! Bright and lively ones that shine and bring some sort of beautiful light back into our lives. And if they also manage to refresh, reanimate and make our senses work again it is even better.

Maybe this smoothie helps. It is yellow like the sun – or like the stars… you see much more of them these days anyway. And it delightens by merely looking at it. Additionally you get a nice and strong vitamin boost from delicious mango, oranges, apple, turmeric and ginger that help you to shield against a cold. And it also provides you with a wonderful refreshment.

Der Muntermacher

Smoothie with Orange, Mango, Apple, Ginger & Turmeric

Ingredients for about 4 glasses

  • 1/2 mango
  • 2 oranges, filleted
  • 1 sweet apple
  • 1/4 banana
  • 1 peanut-sized piece of ginger
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • a hand full of ice cubes

Peel the ginger and chop it into small pieces.

Put all the ingredients into the container of an an electric blender and mix until the drink is smooth.

Don’t let go! And treat yourself to a sorbet!

red currant sorbet

Don’t let go of your happiness! Don’t let it go! Smile at it, whenever you can. Be glad about the little and still so precious things! Take your happiness by the hand and never let it go! Because together you are less alone. Look upon the vespertine starry sky, that twinkles down on us every day and delight in life. Don’t let go of your happiness, cling to it… 

… and treat yourself to a sorbet from time to time! You deserve it.

red currant sorbet

Red Currant Sorbet with Bitter Lemon

Ingredients for about 6 balls of sorbet

  • 500 g red currants (fresh or frozen – you can leave the stems on if you like)
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp elderflower syrup
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 50 ml water
  • 250 ml bitter lemon of your choice

Put the red currants with the sugar, the syrup, the salt and the water in a pot. Bring it to a boil and let it gently cook under medium heat until all the berries broke open and the liquid is bright red.

Pour it through a sieve and use a spoon to press all of the liquid out. Let it cool down to room temperature and if you are patient enough put it into the fridge for an additional hour or more.

Give the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the producer’s advice or put it into a freezer for a few hours. Divide the sorbet into 1-6 bowls, pour a little bit of bitter lemon over it and enjoy it in the cooling evening heat under a pale blue sky.

red currant sorbet

Pineapple mango passion fruit smoothie


Summer incompatibility is an earnest topic. Outside the sun is shining and burns the world already in May… too hot to even lift a single finger. So you start your day holing up in the shadows and hide from the world. And the heat. Stay inside where it is cool and nice. Or at least cooler than outside. You barricade yourself in your living room and peek through the closed curtains to catch a glimpse of the beautiful, sunny, colorful world outside. How lovely it would be to play with the other big children outside! To meet with them at the beer garden or the open air pool, bathing in the sun and enjoying life under a perfect blue sky. Frightened you could miss something you take a few cautious steps outside in the late afternoon. Right under the parasol of course and not without a thick layer of sun screen. Continue reading Pineapple mango passion fruit smoothie

Strawberry compote


The world has become so complicated. Let’s meet and visit that place that only we know. Let’s pretend everything is as it used to be: The world is simple, the future open but definitely bright, sparkling and wonderful. Let’s enjoy the simple things again. Without having to think about any troubles. Without questioning ourselves and asking if we might be different than the others. Let’s do exactly what we want to do, just for one moment, without any hidden agenda, doubts or rules. Continue reading Strawberry compote