All posts by Ylva

Fighting the summer blues

coconut chocolate granola

If you have seen Shawn of the Dead (you have – haven’t you?) you know how a common zombie looks like: The skin is pale, the mouth wide open in a constant yawn. The arms reach out but the hands hang down in a powerless attempt to catch their prey. The eyes are open but weak, the empty gaze is focused to nowhere. The legs move slowly and drag along the unwilling feet… and opposed to a ghoul this specimen doesn’t even seem to have a consciousness. Continue reading Fighting the summer blues

Film food: The Heart Warmer

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Heart Warmer Burger

It is so comforting to make burgers with an agitated mind! The hands are moving almost automatically; the brain knows what nice things to do out of flour, milk, egg, butter, and yeast and a somewhat odd looking piece of transverse rib, while the thoughts are actually distracted completely. They are far away, still so lost in reverie and concerned with the impressions just experienced. The feelings do not care at all about the fact that it was not real and „just an anime series“ which you almost inhaled during the past hours: The head is still full with the pictures, filled with the music, and the impact. The heart is still racing and also feels a bit numb. The thoughts are in uproar, while I almost feel a little sad because it is over and I had to leave that world… So they really still exist, those gripping TV-series, that just won’t let you go and that achieve to really bother you deep down! Even if you have to look at the subtitles for understanding everything. Continue reading Film food: The Heart Warmer

Just for ourselves!


Have you thought about yourself today?

Have you already done something that is just for you? Have you already told yourself: „It doesn’t matter what the others think!“… and did you really mean it?

Have you already treated yourself today? With a calm gaze to the blue sky, a joyous lifting of your arms whilst cheering gladly or maybe rather a nocturnal howling with the wolves? Have you given yourself a small gift today? Just because it’s Friday?

Have you already taken a look deep inside your soul today, to find your greatest wish? Have you done anything for your body today? Have you infected anybody with an honest laugh?

Have you accomplished an irritated look from others with your wonderfully crazy actions today? Have you already beamed so much for joy that sparkling lights surrounded you and almost used up all your energy?

Maybe now it’s time for all these things. Maybe you find your way back to yourself again, to what you really are. To the person that is your existence, without masquerade – without hide-and-seek – your true self!

Maybe a donut will help you with that. A freshly fried, fluffy, vanilla-creme-filled, sticky, sugar-sweet donut! It surely will give you inner calm and it has the secret sugar rush superpower to give you back those pumped dry energy reserves. Wanna bet?



Donuts With and Without Vanilla Creme Filling and Sugar Icing

Ingredients for about 12-16 donuts

for the donuts (thank you for the recipe, Jens!)

  • 21 g fresh yeast
  • 175 ml lukewarm milk
  • 65 g sugar
  • 420 g flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 35 g soft and unsalted butter
  • 500-750 ml (vegetable) oil for deep frying

for the vanilla creme (enough for 1 whole donut recipe as above)

  • 75 g sugar
  • 20 g corn starch or corn flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 250 ml milk
  • 2 big egg yolks
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 30 g unsalted butter

for the icing

  • 30 g unsalted butter
  • 90-120 g icing sugar
  • 1-3 tbsp milk
  • food colouring (optional)
  • sugar sprinkles (optional)


For the donuts put the yeast in a bowl and dissolve it with the sugar in the milk. Let the yeast start running for about 5 minutes.

Add flour, salt, vanilla, egg and butter to the milk mixture and knead for 10 minutes until the dough is soft and smooth. Is it still a little too sticky now, add a bit of more flour to the dough. Cover the bowl and let the dough rest for 60-90 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the vanilla cream: Put sugar, corn starch and salt it a pot and stir until it is mixed up. Add the milk, egg yolks and the vanilla and bring it to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles from boiling start to surface turn down the heat a little bit and cook over medium heat while whisking constantly until the mixture thinkens. Remove the pot from the stove and whisk in the butter. Let the creme cool down to room temperature.

Put the donut dough on a working surface and roll it out until it is as thick as your thumb. Cut out the donuts and if you want to have donuts without filling as well cut out smaller holes in the middle of the donuts. Keep these small balls, they are delicious too! For the donuts themselves I used a glass with a diameter of about 7 cm and for the holes I used a cutter with about 3 cm diameter. After cutting out the first batch knead the rest of the dough, flatten it out again and cut out more donuts. Put the donuts and donut holes on a flour dusted surface and cover them with a clean, dry towel or cloth. Let them rest for about 60 more minutes until they have visibly grown and look all nice and fluffy.

Pour the oil in a pot and heat it up to 150°C (about 325 F). Put a small piece of dough in it: As soon as it has risen to the top and starts to turn brown the oil has the right temperature. If you have one at home you can also use a deep fryer by the way!

Fry the donuts and donut holes from each side for about one minute until they have browned nicely to your liking. Place the cooked donuts onto a paper towel and allow them to cool.

Meanwhile you can prepare the icing: Melt the butter and whisk in the icing sugar and 1 tbsp of the milk. Add more icing sugar or milk until the icing has the consistency you wish: It should be a little bit runny but not too much! Add food colouring to your liking.

Using a pastry bag or something similar squirt the vanilla cream into the donuts you want to be filled. Dip the finished donuts in the icing, turn over and decorate them with sugar sprinkles. Roll the donut holes in icing sugar.

Best eaten fresh!

Don’t let go! And treat yourself to a sorbet!

red currant sorbet

Don’t let go of your happiness! Don’t let it go! Smile at it, whenever you can. Be glad about the little and still so precious things! Take your happiness by the hand and never let it go! Because together you are less alone. Look upon the vespertine starry sky, that twinkles down on us every day and delight in life. Don’t let go of your happiness, cling to it… 

… and treat yourself to a sorbet from time to time! You deserve it.

red currant sorbet

Red Currant Sorbet with Bitter Lemon

Ingredients for about 6 balls of sorbet

  • 500 g red currants (fresh or frozen – you can leave the stems on if you like)
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp elderflower syrup
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 50 ml water
  • 250 ml bitter lemon of your choice

Put the red currants with the sugar, the syrup, the salt and the water in a pot. Bring it to a boil and let it gently cook under medium heat until all the berries broke open and the liquid is bright red.

Pour it through a sieve and use a spoon to press all of the liquid out. Let it cool down to room temperature and if you are patient enough put it into the fridge for an additional hour or more.

Give the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the producer’s advice or put it into a freezer for a few hours. Divide the sorbet into 1-6 bowls, pour a little bit of bitter lemon over it and enjoy it in the cooling evening heat under a pale blue sky.

red currant sorbet

C₁₀H₁₂N₂O, Batman and croissants

When I grow up I want to be happy. That takes a bit of practice, concentration and observation. At the first sight of grumpy wrinkles they are being straightened and the Great Canyon between the eyes is filled up again. Loud music helps a lot, as does dancing and eating. Of course. Yes: Food isn’t love… but still… it helps! If everything seems to be helpless there’s nothing better than a bomb of carbs that give you quite a serotonin boost. Happy, almost moronic, you start to grin again. You laugh at life and it’s sorrows and you feel as if you were invincible… almost like Batman. We all should feel like Batman way more often! Continue reading C₁₀H₁₂N₂O, Batman and croissants

Heart-warming dinner: Shrimps with mild coconut curry

Why do we always want to be strong? Never be impressed, always “cool“ with everything, even when times are so hard? Maybe we think that it is necessary. Maybe we just want to prove it to ourselves. But maybe it is because some things just numb us at first. Eventually the truth of the last few hours, or days, sinks in and you realize what happened. Sometimes it is at night right before you fall asleep, sometimes in the middle of the day after a kind word… But at the latest at a nice dinner that finally achieves to crack your mental wall open. Suddenly there is nothing more soothing than an embrace from your most favourite person and this bowl with delicious shrimps and calming coconut curry. A little bit of rice to that… Heaven! Even at one of those dark days. Continue reading Heart-warming dinner: Shrimps with mild coconut curry

Pineapple mango passion fruit smoothie


Summer incompatibility is an earnest topic. Outside the sun is shining and burns the world already in May… too hot to even lift a single finger. So you start your day holing up in the shadows and hide from the world. And the heat. Stay inside where it is cool and nice. Or at least cooler than outside. You barricade yourself in your living room and peek through the closed curtains to catch a glimpse of the beautiful, sunny, colorful world outside. How lovely it would be to play with the other big children outside! To meet with them at the beer garden or the open air pool, bathing in the sun and enjoying life under a perfect blue sky. Frightened you could miss something you take a few cautious steps outside in the late afternoon. Right under the parasol of course and not without a thick layer of sun screen. Continue reading Pineapple mango passion fruit smoothie

„Nothing-at-home-no-time“ pasta


In my mind I’m walking along a plain; on a broken world. The earth here is purple coloured, the soil sparse and small islands float in the sky around me. In front of me a monster arises from nothing and rumples with its giant feet, squeaking with its metallic joints. I am tiny in comparison, a fragile blood elf and still I confront it. I rise my hands and cast a fire ball, another one. The nether wind whistles through my hair, the air sizzles by the flames and my green eyes glow. This is where I belong! Next to me a paladin crosses the way of the monster to confront it and deflect it from me – fighting just is better done together and it is always nice to have a paladin for a friend. The boss goes down, we raid the loot and lovingly fight about the blue item in the TeamSpeak while proceeding to the next adventure with lots of new experience points. Continue reading „Nothing-at-home-no-time“ pasta